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Top Six Find a Land Consultant Profiles

ALCs have so much on their plate. Between meeting new clients, keeping up with land news, and closing deals, updating your Find a Land Consultant profile can seem like a low priority. However, those profiles could be your secret weapon for landing your next big client. The Find a Land Consultant profiles are the first thing many potential clients and other land experts see when they search your name. To get a better understanding of how to make the most out of your profile, we picked some of the top profiles to see what sets them apart.

Best Bios

Kyle Hansen, ALC, the RLI 2018 Vice National President

Kyle’s biography paints a clear picture of his career in the land industry. He talks about how he got into his current job, his involvement with RLI, his awards, and his background. He separates each topic into his own paragraph. This is a great way to make your profile easy to read, and clients will have no trouble finding the information about you they need.

Terri Jensen, ALC, RLI 2015 National President

Terri’s profile reads like a resume. She includes the need-to-knows (years of experience, places she has worked, awards she has earned) and fun facts about her (out of 18,000+ REALTORS® in Minnesota, she is one of only fourteen to earn the ALC Designation). Little facts like that are a great way to let potential clients know how you stand out from the crowd.

Best Service Specialties

Norma Nisbet, ALC

Many people use the Find a Land Consultant tool to find people with expertise in specialized fields. For transactions that require a specialized education (such as 1031 Exchanges), clients want to make sure they are getting the best in the business. Norma Nisbet, ALC, lists out all her service specialties, including commercial land, timberland, and marketing. Having an organized section lets clients find exactly what they are looking for quickly.

Best Contact Information

Jeramy Stephens, ALC

Contact info can be tricky. Yes, you want potential clients to be able to reach you, but you also don’t want your phone to be blowing up with spam calls at all hours of the day. Jeramy Stephens, ALC, navigates this by including his work e-mail, cell phone, and fax number. He also includes a link to his company’s website. By providing primarily work contact information instead of personal, you’ll be able to reduce spam calls during your down time. Once you’ve made personal contact with the client then it is up to you if you want them to have more personal contact information.

Best Photo

John Dean, ALC

Having a recent, high resolution picture makes your profile look professional and polished. John Dean, ALC, does a great job of this. When adding your photo, remember that it needs to be under 20mb and should be high resolution.

Including a photo in your profile may seem like a trivial thing, but studies show it can drastically increase the chances of people viewing your profile. In fact, a recent study by shows that LinkedIn profiles with pictures got twenty-one more views than those without one.

Best Regularly-Updated Profile

Randy Hertz, ALC

Anytime you get a promotion or an award, there are lots of platforms to celebrate on: Facebook, LinkedIn, the dance floor. You should remember to also update your Find a Land Consultant profile. Awards and promotions are a great way to show clients your hard work and talent. Randy Hertz, ALC, keeps his profile up to date with new skills, accomplishments, and roles and different companies.

We hope these six profiles will inspire you to take a second look at your Find a Land Consultant profile. And keep your eyes peeled, you might be featured in the next edition of Top Find a Land Consultant Profiles!

Want to learn more about how the Find a Land Consultant tool can help you? Find out how users find agents and more on our website.

About the Author: Laura Barker is a Marketing Assistant Intern for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017.

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