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The Voices of Land blog

Get insight on current land trends and issues from experts across the land real estate industry.


Top Land Real Estate Blogs to Follow

With easy access to the internet, staying up to date on the latest trends in the industry has never been easier. However, it is important to find credible blogs–like the RLI Blog–from which to source your information. Here are a few of our favorite land real estate blogs to follow for news, advice, and insights. If we could, we would put our RLI Blog on here, but if you’re reading this you’ve already found us–congrats, you’re off to a good start! Now, here’s our list of the top land blogs to be regularly checking:

  1. The National Land Realty Blog
    We are a fan of this blog for a few reasons. The site is laid out to make finding blogs you’re interested in easy. Visitors can choose from categories like Hunting & Fishing, For Land Professionals, Conservation, Land News, and Featured Properties; there’s even a way to browse by state. Not to mention, the content is credible, relevant and there is a wide variety of topics covered. Plus, the authors are land professionals–just like you–who are experienced in the industry and are able to give valuable insights.
  2. Mossy Oak Properties
    If you’re in the land business, you need to be reading this blog. Between advice from How to Buy Land and How to Sell Land to Land Market Information and Life on the Land, this blog covers almost every aspect of a truly passionate land professional’s life. We wouldn’t be adding this on our list if the content wasn’t both credible and relevant.
  3. Lands of America Blog
    This blog is a helpful resource for anything related to buying and selling land. Whether looking for market trends, information on hot industry topics, or just good to know information, this blog has it all when it comes to land. As a leading listing site with insights into all kinds of valuable data, these posts are jam-packed with useful information making them a must read.
  4. LandThink
    If you are active on social media, you’ve probably come across a post or two from this awesome blog page. They offer posts covering a wide range of topics from niche areas of the industry to bigger picture topics. They also offer insights gathered from survey results they’ve accumulated to give information on the latest industry topics. With a clean look, easy navigation, and great information, its easy to get lost in their sea of posts about the land real estate industry.
  5. Land Blog… Get the Dirt!
    This one is a favorite, not just because one of our own Accredited Land Consultants runs it, but because it comes from a firsthand account of on the job experiences. If you’ve ever had a client ask questions like When is the best time to sell my property?, What do I need to know about due diligence? or How do I chose the right REALTOR® to sell my land?, then you’ll love reading through these gems to see just how an expert land consultant answered.
  6. Southeastern Land Group Blog
    If you’re looking for a blog where learning takes many forms, look no further! This blog not only has valuable written content, but they also have a steady stream of videos that keep industry professionals and their clients informed. While they don’t post as frequently, the content they do publish is high quality and there is no lack of quantity in their archive to explore. You know the content is good when it is coming from experienced professionals.

Regularly checking in on the latest posts from these industry experts can help keep you informed, provide new knowledge, and even help you to answer your clients most common questions with a fresh perspective. Make the most of these blogs by commenting and starting a discussion–you never know where the conversation will take you!

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